her highness.
3.5.93; seventeen'10NP-ian; biomedical laboratory technology COSBT impactLIFE; newLIFE lollipop princess! eternal maknae! ♥ strange addiction. we're members of GOD's family, we're children of the KING; because we've put our faith in CHRIST, to us HE'll always cling.♥
her loves.
GODalan; alex; ariel; jalq; gene; violet; ian; winnie purple family besties cell fahrenheit! wuzun! super junior! ryeowook! sungmin! donghae! blueberry tea! lollipop! froyo! ice-skating! puzzles!
her wishes.
sony vaio cs 36GJ! [berry purple]PSP! [purple/black] handphone [htc touch pro 2] iPod nano gen 4 [purple] puzzles! run away; meg cabot twilight saga box set farenheit's 2nd album. :D
her talk.
her loyal subjects.
abi-joy low.celeste lim. dai jun hong. isaiah chia. loh junyi. actsONE; actsPLOSIVES
abi-joy low.darius chng. doreen neo. esther lyn. sarah chin. trevor lee. watt weihao.
her memories.
x[April 2007]x
x[May 2007]x x[June 2007]x x[July 2007]x x[August 2007]x x[September 2007]x x[October 2007]x x[November 2007]x x[December 2007]x x[January 2008]x x[February 2008]x x[March 2008]x x[April 2008]x x[May 2008]x x[June 2008]x x[July 2008]x x[August 2008]x x[September 2008]x x[October 2008]x x[November 2008]x x[December 2008]x x[January 2009]x x[February 2009]x x[March 2009]x x[April 2009]x x[May 2009]x x[June 2009]x x[July 2009]x x[August 2009]x x[September 2009]x x[October 2009]x x[November 2009]x x[December 2009]x x[January 2010]x x[February 2010]x x[March 2010]x x[April 2010]x x[May 2010]x x[June 2010]x x[July 2010]x x[August 2010]x x[September 2010]x x[October 2010]x x[November 2010]x x[January 2011]x x[May 2011]x x[June 2011]x x[July 2011]x x[August 2011]x x[September 2011]x x[October 2011]x x[November 2011]x x[January 2012]x x[February 2012]x x[March 2012]x x[April 2012]x x[May 2012]x x[June 2012]x x[July 2012]x x[August 2012]x x[September 2012]x x[November 2012]x x[January 2013]x x[March 2013]x x[June 2013]x x[January 2014]x x[March 2014]x x[January 2015]x x[September 2015]x x[June 2016]x |
Sunday, September 30, 2007
today was a super uber sian day! i wanted to go out to study with trev, xiao ming and whoever who wanted to come but mom was lyk NO! but even after she said no dad kept on saying and saying until i went cross eyed. -.- then guess wad? everyone [kor, mom & dad] ps-ed me and went out and left me alone at home! wadthecrap luh... then i was super angry and frustrated cause i hate being left a lone at home. and being in my room i'm a little claustrophobic and my room has hardly enough walking space i was lyk jumping up and down on my bed trying to get that really weird feeling out of me... but now...even now i'm still having the feeling and i kept screaming for dunno wad reason it just felt really weird being at home so having that really weird feeling i always get when i am at home i didn't do much work nor did i even studied a single crap. wadthecrap man! and exams are in 4 days!!! not 4 weeks! 4 days!!! i mean if you guys were going out at least let me go out luh.. it's not as if i'm gonna play or something. i was planning to do some serious mugging and then you guys have to go no and then ps me to go somewhere -.- wadthecrap man!!!!!! i'm sososo dead for eoys! and i wanna get into triple luh! there goes everything man! wadthecrap is all i can say... seriously! :( wad's this man?!? i hate being hyperactive! D: so dumb luh... i gave up 10 mins after trying to study! and ppl lyk val can do 8 hours or so... you can so see that i'm totally dead i mean compare 10mins to 8hours that's lyk 470 mins different luh! and i did a "test" before luh... i managed to complete lyk 1 tuition hw [a math paper] that day i was at macs with the guys then to few miserable qns at home plus that weird out feeling i always get. i hate it man! andy say's it's a spiritual attack... i dunno. but today was bad! i felt so agitated by it i wanted to run out of the house and run to anywhere. notice i said "run" and not "take any means of transport" i really wanted to run that feeling out of me cause apparently jumping did not help at all i really wanted to zhuang the qiang badly man! i'm serious luh! i was on the verge of crying... actually i did... haha anyway... i love my manager!!! TREVOR LEE RAWKS!!!! haha. he send me 'be my escape by relient k' i love the song! haha trev rawks! hahahahahaha :DDDD anyways...gtg... my manager scolding me liao haha he ask me to sleep at 11.30 haha so nitey nites :D tmr is study time! got ADP! free for 2hours for me to study! hahahahahahaha! then maybe going to study with my manager again haha. his my geog tutor also! lol! and i'm his math tutor! lol!!! bye(: mabTHONG. going really really crazy! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:17 PM
Saturday, September 29, 2007
so just post a short short one :D anyway had tuition today! and ms chew didn't kick me out of tuition! phew! :D haha i dunno luh... but at least she didn't? and i forgot to bring tuition fee luh! wadthecrap?!? damn sian stayed back after tuition to complete finish the temasek paper 2 haha and i did complete it! (: then did finish corrections then went westmall for dinner! i saw joel goh there! and daniel sim with another girl. dunno her name and didn't see her face so can't tell who it was. i think i noe who luh... but i dunno the name. ohhhman! today is the crappiest day ever! ARGH!!! took the same bus as turtle... i didn't noe he'll be there luh. then iwai appeared and talked crap as usual! i wanted to strangle him luh! then when reach dover mrt... turtle took the elevator up luh... i took the escalator! i shouldn't have walked up the escalator luh! guess who i saw outside the ticketing barrier?!? mr lionel and his friends! ohmycrap luh!!! i wanted to strangle turtle for taking the elevator up and strangle myself for walking up the escalaltor and not walking slowwwwly! then when lionel saw me he "followed" me! it was lyk he was waiting outside the ticketing barrier and if i don't show up he won't enter the mrt station. then he was walking right behind me luh! lyk wad the crap??? then lyk the train arrived when i reached the platform i didn't noe whether to board or not. so in the end i boarded... if not turtle will think i'm waiting for him lyk so NOT! so i had to take the train with lionel! lyk wad?!? i enter the door he enter the same door. and he was standing beside me wah! i wanted to kill him man! then turtle didn't take the train luh! he luh! walk so slow! if not if we took the same train i wouldn't be so damn pissed. cause he might be able to keep my mind off stuff... luckily i was sms-ing trev. so i wasn't thinking too much about it. classes today were boring. i was slacking luh... cause i didn't feel lyk doing anything. had my 4 hours of math today again! i thought i was going to die man! -.- had no idea wad ms lee was talking about the whole time luh! so crappified! can't wait till tmr! church! yay!!! bye(: mabTHONG. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:04 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
i'm not supposed to be blogging by the way. lol...i'm trying to do my tuition hw. tmr got tuition! the last tuition for sec2 year starting again on dec... for sec 3 syllabus. just hope ms chew doesn't kick me out of tuition :( anyway... ytd was okay i guess... had PE! haha played soccer and had the soccer assessment thing i scored 3 goals during the assessment! wheeeeeee! haha super funny. i stood near the goal post then signal to nich haha then he kick super hard fly towards me then i kick in goal! haha. went macs ytd with trev, xiaoming & qi en we were crapping. but i managed to do lyk quite a bit of tuition hw. haha with qi en & trev's help trev treated me to spirite! haha arigato :D then study until 6pm then had to go home :( mommy wanted me home by 6.30... sian luh... haha xiaoming and trev walked me to the mrt station lol...i kinda forced them? hahahaha. okay then today had all the subjects i wasn't concentrating. i'm brain dead le luh... can't believe this... and it's exactly one week before exams! oh man!!! crappified! but i managed to straighten out the sulphide and sulphate thing lol...during science i was still abit confused. but now i've got it clear! yay! :D can't wait till monday & tuesday ADP! can study! so i can study for 4 hours! yay!!! :D make up for lost time! (: going v. high recently. dunno wad's wrong with me... i really wanna zhuang the qiang! hurh! feeling v. vexed about a lot of stuff! can't wait till eoys end... but no one asked me to go out. i'm gonna die during sch hols again... everyday stay at home stoning, slack, sleep, eat, game, and nothing else borrrrrrrrrring!!! but i wanna go ice-skating... dunno when's my next doctor's appointment! ask him whether can go ice-skating! can't wait till 2nd dec too! 2 years after op! happy happy! but v. scared go see doctor also actually... cause i scared curve back again. then somemore that day i twisted my back lyk last wed [not ytd] during soccer. really dumb... until now it still hurts. how?!? the doctor really v. scary lor! :X anyways...gonna go mug/ do tuition hw haha if not tmr ms chew will kill me! :X lol...kays byebye(: mabTHONG. going crazy because of you! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:34 PM
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
blogging time... this one will be a short one though... anyway...got back geog test today! ohman!!! i missed A1 by one mark :( i got 14 luh grrrr! zhuang qiang! then during geog turtle so emo luh mr sim scolded him i think he did quite badly for geog test anyway...today's shaunie's b'dae haha so HAPPY BIRTHDAY once again haha :D i'm trying to study! exams are in 9days! ohmycrap!!!! and i still haven't started studying!!! this is suicide man! i'm sosososo dead!!!! anyway gtg. bye :D mabTHONG. <3 mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:15 PM
Monday, September 24, 2007
to blog duh... and to past time... everyone is either sleeping or studying -.- haha so early sleep wad??? lol... okay anyway... got back sci test today... i told you i messed it up! i got 15 lol... okay luh...still A1 or should i say just A1 only if it was lyk half a mark less then i dont think i'll be able to get A1 anymore... anyway... i had to stay back to do my bao zhang bao dao luh... ms tai held our ez-link cards for ransom. lol...i rush lyk hell luh... ended up going home so late... and the worse thing was that lionel was there in the canteen while i was doing my hw... but luckily they cleared out lyk before 3? so...phew! i was doing the stupid baozhangbaodao when mr ren came luh then he saw me then went up to me asked me how i was... omg! he saw me crying on sat luh! so mah lu... i thought letting acts one peeps see me cry was bad enough... oh man!!! wadthecrap luh... went home to chiong hw... managed to finish one hw - geog thanks to isaiah! haha so dumb i challenged him see who can do finish one hw fastest haha i should do that more often... motivates me to do my hw. i used to do that with... erh...forgot who... i think cel or cleo or something? lol...call some random person and challenge hahahahaha! thanks isa! :D okay so now i'm trying to learn geog spelling but not much progress... duh! i'm blogging?!? okayokay... lemme sat something first. haha HAPPY ADVANCED BIRTHDAY SHAUN! haha... not shaun teo luh! shaun ling from actsONE!!! hahaha. tmr's his b'dae :D okay i'm gonna die for eoys cause i still haven't started studying yet... ohmyfreak luh... i'm so dead! you might as well kill me now?!? haiyo... sosososo dead!!! seiously man... i noe i hardly study luh... but i've nvr been so afraid before... okay maybe i'm just kidding myself about being afraid... but i really wanna get into triple! just lyk someone :D haha aiyah...most of them studies v. good de... not lyk me... so dumb can't even sit down and study a single crap -.- zhuang qiang!!!!! okay gtg... TRYing to study... i'm so gonna fail trying to study and fail eoys... diiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!! :X mabTHONG. just spill already! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:27 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
or should i say last week wasn't actually the best. let's just say some people are really out there to make your life miserable! urgh...wadever... anyway...monday was passably fun in a way i guess... and they announced that we have another vp. which is really dumb cause we already have 2 vps... ADP then recess... at least i didn't have to see people i didn't really wanna see... people lyk lionel! uhh...i could totally live without seeing him! then science prac which i messed up big time. yeah then rubbish the whole day luh actually... when home to slack... i wantedd to study luh! but i can't study for nuts. unless you glue me to my chair. but i don't think that'll work either. my chair is those kind of office chair can roll around one... so i'll probably just roll myself out of the room wad's worse is that i study infront of my com. not that it's on. but it's tempting!... but it's not lyk i could turn it on anyway...-.- so i just look at it wishing i could turn it on. yeah plus all those storybooks in my room which is oh so tempting to read! oh man i have totally got it bad! oh wait i just rmb... haha so stupid... monday was kinda important haha... HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY MOM! okay so it's kinda late... sue me then haha yeah had the dumb police talk we have every year since primary sch and it's always the same guy every year! then tuesday...borrrrrrrring...is all i can say okay not chapel! man chapel that day was great man! they invited some guy... forgot wad his name was. but it was really cool. for once you can actually hear ppl singing during chapel! i thought it was really cool. and we watched a movie during ADP film. 7 years in tibet starring brad pitt... ewww....[i'm not a fan of brad pitt btw] but i thought the movie was okayishly-good haha sorry i'm crapping then wed. ohman... wed was the horriblest day man on the way to sch i thought the person i didn't want to see was not on the train then when i was at the busstop looking who came walking down the escalator... oh it's mr. lionel!?! wadthecrap??? it's bad enough having to see him. it's worse, when he's standing right in front of you on the bus!!! but it's a good thing i didn't see him during recess... i'd have freaked right then and there! okay then thursday... attire check. phew...no flaw in my u. except for my hair? but my hair was okay that day... so i didn't get caught or anything... and i think i messed up science test big time... i had no idea wad i was writing... okay friday i had the dreaded 4 hours of math... and i was dead tired that day when i came home... oh wells... had geog test... i think i'm gonna do v. badly for it. man i'm so dead... okay ytd was major breakdown day! i was talking to andy about some stuff and i was lyk crying the whole time luh... oh and...! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TIMOTHY! haha i'm so nice :D everyone noes that xD okay we played a really mean trick on him...but... he already knew the trick... i mean andy played that on abi or something too! so dumb... andy should come up with new tricks... yeah then sermon was about why God created man part 2 last week was part 1 i think it was really meaningful but not quite understandable... pastor song is so funny! lol! went to gram's house today... eat mooncake! haha okay dumb...2 year old mooncake? are you crazy?!? lol... anyway exams are in one week + 4 days... and guess wad... i haven't even started studying! wadthecrap!!! okay wadever... i'm just gonna fail. oh i totally hope not! i so wanna get into triple! :X kays gtg...before dad kills me bye!(: mabTHONG. peace out! (x mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:50 PM
Friday, September 14, 2007
i'm here again to blog. actually i forced myself. but still...nvm :D anyway... ohmycrap!!! eoys are in 3weeks from now... actually it's 2weeks and 6days from today and i haven't even started studying!!! arhhhhh! die :X so super dead luh... whatthe crap!!! esp sci and geog luh... i don't understand wat mrs ho is saying these days luh... anyone want to tutor me or study with me? for sci or geog or wadever... and i can lyk help you for math if you need :D help? oh wadever...you noe where to find me (x anyway...can't wait till tmr! church! :DD really can't wait! missed cell last week :( ohh wells. there's always tmr! i want to pokex ppl tmr! lyk warren and tim (x i'm very mean... you should have known that long ago :D haha anyway...this week has been fairly okay... if you don't go into detail about stuff lyk my homework ohman...that part of this week is really lyk crap. okay but still there were some major freak out issues... lyk the fact that yesterday... lionel and glenndon took the same frigging bus as me&joseph!? wadthecrap luh... then they go sit at the first floor (double-decker bus luh euu...-.-) double wadthecrap??? and they thought i lyked joseph! triple wadthecrap... just because i was talking to him?!?! wadthecrrraaaappppp!!! then on wed... i took the same bus as turtle luh... argh!!! zhuang qiang! zhuang le qiang on the qiang! then he dao-ed...as usually... nothing new luh... but really can't stand him lor! sometimes he really pisses me off! haiyo... anyway on tues... we went for the geog field trip! the hydroponics farm and mushroom farm! haha :D so fun! esp when someone was msg-ing me at the mushroom farm! ekkk! (x haha they gave us free vegie at the hydroponics farm and my mom cooked it for dinner on wed. but i didn't eat. eewwww...i hate vegie! bleh... okay enough crapping about... time to do more construstive stuff... lyk i dunno... anything? haha okay so bye ((: mabTHONG. missing you real badly! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:55 PM
Sunday, September 09, 2007
dickson sent it to me. lol...that's him btw... in my uber shiny pink sequined purple pink panther jacket! mwahahahaha! take a look! ![]() look at that man! ohmyfreak! i'm dying of laughter! can you believe a guy is wearing my jacket? lol...and it's a uber shiny pink sequined purple pink panther jacket somemore ohmycrap luh! hahaha so frigging gay! lol... okay end of post. lol!!! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:01 AM
Saturday, September 08, 2007
guess wad? heeeeeeee... WE GOT INTO FINALS!!! haha!!! so now i'm uber happy and high! lol...dont mind me arh... i going a bit crazy... anyway today was not my day! i repeat...NOT!!! cause i frigging thought i lost my ipod luh... when it turns out that it was wedged in between mine and shihui's chair luh so dumb!!! i wanted to slap myself luh... lol...good thing shihui found it luh!!! if not i'd kill myself then and there... haha... anyway...the pitching was crapped up luh... there was so so so much silence! argh i wanted to kill myself luh... all the silence was really murderous!!! anyway...when they were releasing the results... [we went out in groups of 3] they picked us, hwa chong and RI to go out luh! then lyk super scared cause i dont want them to be out luh... ehh..they tried to help me find my ipod lor! yeah then i was so super relieved when in the end all 3 of us got in luh! scary kays!!! stand there waiting for el to spill the results! el took AGES man!!! just to say who got in and everything... you can die just SITTING DOWN THERE!!! i also wanted to say to el... "just spill already!!!" haha... anyway!!! i'm really really glad that we got in! and congratz to the other 9 teams! haha can't wait till 19th nov! can't wait to see trainers again! except *ahemahem* dickson! that evil jacket plus bearbear plus turtle stealer! he want to steal my alex and jalq lor!!! and my jacky haha jkjk :D my fave trainers are... joshua! maria! serene! jason! eustace! dickson! yonglin! they're all v. nice! haha el abit strict strict de...but he's also v. nice! haiyo...i'm lyk naming everyone luh... -.- haha but they're all really v. nice! haha josh just cracks ppl up... so does jason! maria and serene all very kind! very lucky to have gotten them for our stop motion animation workshop they're super uber nice! then eustace and dickson! haha they're funny! and very nice too! hahahaha anyway really can't wait till 19th nov! reallyreally excited! can't wait to start animating! xD ohh ya... today i watched evan almighty! it was super duper nice luh! ppl lyk my dad and bro dont noe how to appreciate such artistic stories... sad...v. sad anyway after the competition. i rushed for church... but i missed lyk half of sermon luh... today's sermon was about dealing with failures i thought i was meaningful... cause i dealt with so many failures this year... lyk my horrendous term 1 results... man that was crapped up... but now it's lyk so much better! haha :D my results i mean... though i don't study much... lol... okays...i gtg soon... lyk at midnight. so bye (x mabTHONG. we're on to the finals! oh yeah!!! xD mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:39 PM
Friday, September 07, 2007
lemme make an announcement! *ahemahem, clears throat, ready to shout* tmr is the last and final AND crucial day of the 1 week intensive training for NEmation cause tmr will be the final round of pitching! to see which teams get into finals top 10 yeah so wish us good luck! :D we really wanna win this! okay back to the point... today we spent the whole day storyboarding and choosing a suitable medium to use for our animation. i dont quite lyk the idea luh...cause a bit dull. but oh wells... haha anyway...funny part of the day... dickson...one of the trainers... came in half way while we were doing our story board he sat down and began to talk to us... then he suddenly asked me to past him my jacket... you noe my uber shiny pink sequined purple pink panther jacket? yeah he took it then said he lyked it. so he put it on... wait...did you catch that? lemme repeat again dickson put on my uber shiny pink sequined purple pink panther jacket on!!! yupps that's rite haha can you believe that? lol... and he was quite broad shouldered and everything. [he's not fat luh...just that his shoulders broad and stuff] so when he wore my jacket it was uber fitting and quite short haha it was damn funny and gay... i should have taken a pic man... lol...then he went to the mac lab to flaunt "his new jacket" mwahahahahaha!!! then he left poor little me with his own jacket. hmph! hahahaha 10 billion hours later then he came back with my jacket luh... that psycho... haha so uber gay man!!! lol... but still very entertaining... hahaha! oh man...history makers has a stalker or should i say paparazzi? lol... that photographer everyday stalk us luh... then keep snapping our photos and taking spastic and candid photos of us luh... so unsightly. wahahahahaha(x okay. random... another thing...the camera crew love us too much! esp seb...our dear angel... haha that's wad the camera dude called seb... lol...it's uber funny! we're going to be famous man! haha he's dao-ing :( again luh... everyday lyk that one luh he... wad did i do man? or he's too busy? wadever... cant be bother to understand anyone else's mind right now... am currently brain dead once again... tmr going to church! but for service only! D: booo!!!! i wanna go for cell lor... but got the competition... so have to compromise as quoted from tim! haha okay. psycho... maybe tmr going to watch evan almighty! yay! :DD v. long nvr watch movie le! haha((: haha kays gtg... wanna play a game before i shut down. bye(x mabTHONG. it's do or die tmr! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:29 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
i shall be nice and update! :D today got the NEmation training again! do the reboarding and everything... you noe...improvise? yeah. i'm currently brain dead, and is turning into a walking talking breathing zombie... within the next 1hour or so... haha :D yeah...sorry history makers peeps! for not contributing and slacking the whole day. i kept getting spiritual attack luh... one moment uber high. then the next moment i wanted to ram myself into the wall so crappy luh... anyway... the trainers lyked our storyboard! :D but ellery gave...no so pleasing comments. haha jkjk... he just said our storyboard a bit dull. no meaning. stuff lyk that...yeah. but joshua lyked the idea. tmr there will be a cat fight between el and josh tmr. during the super pitch clinic. haha they are the judges! lol... then yesterday... we did the 2d animation thing. using this european software called tab. quite okay luh... but i can't really grasp the whole learning a new program thing well haha. oh well...i'll just have to live with it. lol... hope we get into top 10 on sat... then after results released... rush down for church. dont think i can make it in time luh... unless go for dinner only... dunno luh... i really wanna go for service. but i think have to miss front part of p&w luh... but sermon is IMPORTANT! plus i wanna hear it too... so i'm in a dilemma now :( hope i can escape out in time... :D haha oohhh...i love isaiah the audio freak! haha he rawks cause he rawks ;) haha sorry random! he's my music library. :D lol...jkjk he noes almost every single song there is to noe... NOT. hahahahahaha but he noes MOST xD you tell him the lyrics and he tells you the song how cool is that? lol... sorry isaiah... i, lyk you. have nothing to blog about :D hahahahahaha (x haha sorry uber random... he luh...go post my poem on his blog. lol...i'm so honoured lor! haha if you wanna see the uber nice poem created by me you can visit his blog: chia90.com or you can just scroll down and find one of the post somewhere down there. it's somewhere down there... just scroll down... haha i posted it up :D lol...i wanted to post it up long ago luh... but he beat me to it. stupid boy. lol...jkjk :D no offence! i'm on my quest to forget about him! but i truth be told...i dont want to! it's very difficult! i mean after almost 2 years?! impossible! but as adidas loves to say: "impossible is nothing" but wadever... in this situation impossible is everything. oh crap. don't kill me kays... i only said i'll try. i didn't say i'll succeed. so yeah sorry luh... i didn't say i want to either. crap man i hate the teachers... all the hw all come at the same time. their tagline? "you have one week to do finish okay!" lyk wadever... did they ever think that other teachers will say that? then give a lot of hw as well? apparently not... seeing that i'm not even half-way done with my first hw... i'm so dead when sch reopens luh... plus with all the training and workshops going on... i'm so gonna ask ms mano or something to write a letter saying that we can't finish our hw... i mean we're all brain dead luh... except apparently seb... who chiong-ed all he hw luh. i hate seb and rach who has only a few left...wth. i'm so frigging dead! okies...gotta fly time to motor... i mean sleep :D tata! mabTHONG. don't kill me kays? i've put in my best le!!! i'm so dead! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:53 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
i noe...nvr blog for v. long ritez? haha i'm busy mah. and lazy :X haha. before sch hols started must rush out hw and stuff. yeah so now i'm here. but no i'm not free... i just dont feel lyk doing my hw. it's called procrastination dudes and dudettes. opps...after what pastor daniel preached on i thought i might change for the better. i guess i dont have the will... definition of willpower: "you provide the will; and God will provide the power" yeah anyway i shall blog on the previous few weeks... not in detail of course...if not this post will be uber uber long. haha okay. let's see... erm oh okay...i noe. last last last week lol... okay that week was lyk 2 weeks before sch ended... oh man... that week was horrible kays... super dao mei lor the whole week with crazy turtle and his purple braces, my supposedly-forgotten-to-bring-but-i-actually-did-bring-it-to-sch worksheet, which i got punished for nothing cause i did bring but i thought i didn't bring... my undone zuowen which i also got punished for, lionel and his secret after sch ambush, my crappy chinese results which practically pulled down my term 3 chi marks plus some others which i forgot. yeah it was DAMN SUAY!!! suay-est yet. but church was okay... had fun during cell! did discipleship instead of sharing smsed ppl during cell also. opps :X haha yeah then during sermon pastor daniel preached on doubt. yeah...i guess it helped. cause i've been doubting about GOD's existence and stuff lyk that... but pastor daniel said that doubt deepens our faith for GOD and that doubt will draw us back to GOD so yupps... oh and sorry warren and junjie and shimin or ps-ing! was damn tired luh! and sorry tim! for ending up making you go home on your own :X stop asking point blank qns. you already noe the ans. okay then last last week... wasn't that bad luh... so much better then the previous week luh. yeah haha got wind that history makers got in to semi-finals NEmation yeah...but the bad news to that was that we have to spend our sep hols at NYP attending workshops and elimination rounds. that was the bad part. it was everyday from monday to saturday from morn to evening which kinda equates to byebye hw... i really have no idea how i'm supposed to finish all the crappy hw luh... then ms lee gave so many math wrkshts. lyk want to kill us lyk that... but i guess i'm willing to put aside my hw...for the sake of the competition and mr lee but i must still try to do as much as possible la. if not teacher will also scold rite? 6 days of revision down the drain. plus i got church and everything... my whole hols practically got eaten up luh... church last saturday was FUN!!! we played human pacman! how do you play that? ask shaun! haha! he was the one who came up with the game. lol...but the floor must have lines... luckily the basement the floor got lines lol...we ran lyk crazy luh... haha then did disicipleship again! so fun! :D then came service! my fave song now is... freedom song and blessed be your name! but i still can't find the title of my ultimate fave song -.- haha... i guess i just have to keep looking. lol... sermon was about procrastination! just what i needed man! i've been really procrastinating alot this whole entire year! crap man... wonder how am i supposed to get into triple. it'd ba a miracle if i do! really! at the rate i'm going... must be progressive! not busy! hahaha. that's what pastor daniel said(: ohh ya...sorry warren junjie shimin and tim force you guys to take the bus with me :X i noe...i'm a very bad friend! :( sorry!!! okay anyway...back to this week... ohh...wait! shannon got the same phone junjie has loh! wahpiang ehh... that time jj buy le i lyk his phone so mush lor! then now shannon come make me jealous even more! nvm...i shall be devoted to my k850i!!! :D that phone rawks la! lemme show you how it looks lyk... ![]() my k850i!!! i love this phone to bits! look at the neon lights luh... so frigging cool! i wanna get for my b'dae or something... this phone haven't come out yet luh. so have to wait. yeah... okay back to yesterday... went for NEmation at 7.30 in the MORNING!!! woke up at normal sch day the timing... yeah..then met shihui take mrt all the way to NYP. i thought i was going to die man... so early la... i really felt lyk dieing then and there...lol i slept during the lecture... the part right before they gave us our break damn funny they showing us this animation clip then i just slept. lol... then after the lecture did the storyboarding and everything get ready for pitching and stuff... in front of judges... for elimination round... to get into top 20 rushed lyk crap luh... the storyboarding. the colouring and stuff... then during pitching it was scary luh... then got interviewed by the kids central people haha...scaly i see my face on tv hahahaha xD lol...then waited for 2hrs! then they released the results and guess wad? we got in!!! lol...super happy kays! :D it's really difficult! just hope we get into finals top 10! got another round of super pitching to do... it's on saturady. and our dear leader rachel drew for us the 8.30am slot GREAT!!! die earlier ritez? lol... okay wadever then today did the stop motion animation... the claymation and cut out animation we used the program called animaker yeah was super fun! got interviewed again. yeah then our angel... [that's wad the camera man called seb] took alot of footage on him lol...the camera crew and photographer kept film and taking us luh. and i thought my shiny jacket might scare them off... haha (x tmr we doing the 2D animation thingy... yeah... so anyway gtg... tmr must wake up early again... sian... kays gd'night! :D MY FANTASY WORLD I sat there thinking back, To the dream I had just that night. It seemed so distant, yet so familiar, But I couldn't get it out of my mind I sat there remembering, That day you left. You made it sound, Like you'd never be back. I sat there reminiscing, All that wonderful times we had. Just the two of us, With no one in the world to care. I sat there recalling, How you said you love me too. But we were never meant to be, Together for all eternity. I sat there crying, The day your plane took off. Never to see your face again, You were gone before I could stop you. I sat there smiling, In the plane on the way to visit you. Remembering your sweet smile, And your beautiful face. I sat there staring, Into blank space. Not knowing when, I am ever going to see you again. I sat there laughing, You were on the phone with me! I realised that all I needed, Was to dial your number... You were just a phone call away, As I sat there thinking. Of the years you made me happy, As I was growing up. Thanks for the happy memories! haha a poem by me! :D for the SP competition "a fat dream" lol...ppl lyked it! :D mabTHONG. loves you to bits <3 don't be so hard on yourself please! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:24 PM |