her highness.
3.5.93; seventeen'10NP-ian; biomedical laboratory technology COSBT impactLIFE; newLIFE lollipop princess! eternal maknae! ♥ strange addiction. we're members of GOD's family, we're children of the KING; because we've put our faith in CHRIST, to us HE'll always cling.♥
her loves.
GODalan; alex; ariel; jalq; gene; violet; ian; winnie purple family besties cell fahrenheit! wuzun! super junior! ryeowook! sungmin! donghae! blueberry tea! lollipop! froyo! ice-skating! puzzles!
her wishes.
sony vaio cs 36GJ! [berry purple]PSP! [purple/black] handphone [htc touch pro 2] iPod nano gen 4 [purple] puzzles! run away; meg cabot twilight saga box set farenheit's 2nd album. :D
her talk.
her loyal subjects.
abi-joy low.celeste lim. dai jun hong. isaiah chia. loh junyi. actsONE; actsPLOSIVES
abi-joy low.darius chng. doreen neo. esther lyn. sarah chin. trevor lee. watt weihao.
her memories.
x[April 2007]x
x[May 2007]x x[June 2007]x x[July 2007]x x[August 2007]x x[September 2007]x x[October 2007]x x[November 2007]x x[December 2007]x x[January 2008]x x[February 2008]x x[March 2008]x x[April 2008]x x[May 2008]x x[June 2008]x x[July 2008]x x[August 2008]x x[September 2008]x x[October 2008]x x[November 2008]x x[December 2008]x x[January 2009]x x[February 2009]x x[March 2009]x x[April 2009]x x[May 2009]x x[June 2009]x x[July 2009]x x[August 2009]x x[September 2009]x x[October 2009]x x[November 2009]x x[December 2009]x x[January 2010]x x[February 2010]x x[March 2010]x x[April 2010]x x[May 2010]x x[June 2010]x x[July 2010]x x[August 2010]x x[September 2010]x x[October 2010]x x[November 2010]x x[January 2011]x x[May 2011]x x[June 2011]x x[July 2011]x x[August 2011]x x[September 2011]x x[October 2011]x x[November 2011]x x[January 2012]x x[February 2012]x x[March 2012]x x[April 2012]x x[May 2012]x x[June 2012]x x[July 2012]x x[August 2012]x x[September 2012]x x[November 2012]x x[January 2013]x x[March 2013]x x[June 2013]x x[January 2014]x x[March 2014]x x[January 2015]x x[September 2015]x x[June 2016]x |
Saturday, May 31, 2008
really glad when i woke up today and my sore throat wasn't as bad as last night. so i really glad. cause i didn't really have to suffer during radical conference. so yay! hahahahaha! x) ohmygoodness! i can't believe i even dreamt a dream lyk that man! lyk seriously...my goodness luh!!! ahhhh!!! idiot idiot idiot!!!!!!! one last thing before i go...i can't believe i lost my bottle AGAIN -.- i'm so so so sorry lisa!!! i'm so so sorry! oh man! i hope i can find it!!! :X cheerio! bye!(: mabTHONG. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:50 PM
Friday, May 30, 2008
radical conference today was great! can't wait till tomorrow's! but i hope i can go. as in my throat won't affect me that badly...having a really bad sore throat right now. felt all my energy sap out of my because of it. felt so pissed cause it totally dampened my mood during the secong session. seriously. i could hardly even walk cause i didn't have any strength. thanks sarah for praying for me! :D love you! hahaha. felt so angry when i woke up today to a really terrible and painful sore throat. it really sucked man! was in pain for like the whole day? yeah...hurt like crap. and there's no more honey at home. so i have to suffer for like one more day? cause mommy & daddy are going marketing tomorrow. so they'll be able to buy honey for me. so...yay! felt happy today. like finally. been cooping myself up in my little world and shutting everyone out. guess i've been pissed. with some people. but i've gotten over it. and everything regarding it...so yupps. don't want to think anymore about it. and erm...yeah. THE END MEANS THE END MABEL!!! and mean it for once? -.- okay sorry...talking to myself...anyway...been really watching movies like mad for the past few days. just watched finish sydney white. pretty cool show. now i'm watching ice princess. i hope it'll be a nice show. but so far...it's been really boring...i'm like currently dying. as in seriously :( oh wells...i'll pull through. anyway...i'd better go. it's getting late. have to get up before noon tomorrow. so...yeah...bye!(: mabTHONG. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:24 PM
Thursday, May 29, 2008
went to sch today for media IDA -.- didn't blog during that time cause i was doing up a new blog skin! wheeeeeeeeeeee! hahahaha! dunno whether i should use it or not luh...but i shall just create it first. hahaha! well...at least i did something during media...totally lied to mr lee about the x-site thing. but i'm lyk so gonna get it done today...so yupps(: after media got an sms from rey saying that he was at sch bus stop. was super shocked to see him luh! cause i didn't expect him to come. lol...cause he didn't tell me whether he was coming or not. walked over to dover to find calv & josh. then waited for raph to come down -.- he took so long luh! my goodness. hahahahaha! had lunch at dover! everyone ate hokkien mee except josh. abi couldn't come last min luh! got stuck with FOUR guys alone luh -.- my goodness! waited for josh to come back from sch cause he went over to collect something. yeah...then took 33 to kent ridge terminal and then when we decided to walk to calv's house cause we didn't want to wait for the bus 200, it appeared! :D so we frigging ran back to the bus stop to take the bus. lol...as in really ran lyk mad. hahaha! and raph just continued walking...until the last minute then he erm...jogged. lol! hahahaha! okay...when we reached and walked to calv's house. and WHOA!!! it was huge!!! calvin!!! make me so jealous! :( lol...but one thing i hate about big houses? climbing up and down...cause i always miss a step. hahahaha! anyway...had great fun at calv's house! his house has EVERYTHING man! hahahaha! and i still want his laptop! x) was pretty pissed...cause calv kept suan-ing me the whole day. wadever i said he had to add one sentence after mine. even i laugh also he had to comment -.- i wanted to STRANGLE HIM!!! lol...seriously man...haix oh wells...he is our calv...we have to accept him for who he is. hahahahahaha! okay. after calv and raph ditched me for calv's xbox...i went down to join the guys...erm playing juiced and halo 2. okay...i didn't really play luh...just watched them play. haha. raph got owned by josh & rey in halo 2! hahaha! it was so super funny! laughed lyk mad when they were playing. lol...i lyked calv's doggie! haha so nice to hug x) cause it's so squishy and so erm...squishy? lol...i ended up going home myself...the guys stayed there until dunno wad time. hahahaha! came home to a scrumptious dinner! hahaha! as promised by daddy...lol...didn't get scolded for coming home late. so phew. yupps...so full now. haha oh no!!! troy died!!! :( my aunt called and i picked up and she told me he died! lyk 2 days ago from cancer! i'm gonna miss you troy! i love you!!! now i got no kitty to play with when i go to my aunt's house. cause all the other kitties doesn't really lyk me! :( no tummy rubs for troy forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :X okay i gtg...erm...needa shut down...continue tmr or something...there's radical conference tmr! so excited!!! yupps...so bye!(: mabTHONG. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:56 PM
me: why are all the houses so big, calvin??? calv: cause we're all rich ppl! rub it in calvin...rub it in. hahahahahaha! had fun here! jammed lyk mad...if you call having p&w jamming. lol...but now they are giving me a headache. hahahahahaha! had sharing, then p&w, followed by bible study on daily bread...can't rmb the verse though. yeah. it's preddy cool. hahaha! they're gonna play xbox now. lol...left me, calv and raph up here. when i say up here i mean the third storey. lol...can't wait for CF for next week. yupps! yay! x) okay i think i better go now. hahahahaha! buhbye! will blog more when i get home! lol...yay! bye!(: mabTHONG. lovin' it here! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 4:27 PM
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
![]() yay! me, ster & ros! lovelovelove! <3 ![]() GAP wearers! x) white, pink, purple! ![]() preddy preddy! ![]() love! ESTHERLYN AND MABEL! :D haha okay! retarded! all taken in the gap fitting room! lol...cam-whorers! lol...and zilian-ers. anyway anyway...went to school at 11pm today to do the news broadcast recording! BUTTTTTTTTT!!! mr don wasn't free and told us to come back at 1.30pm -.- lyk ohmygoodness luh...i wanted to die man! could have slept at home longer and watched some tv. :( actually wanted to sleep in school...but siying, ame, shivangi & rena were going to the botanical garden to collect water sample from the pond. so i followed along. good thing i did too...cause they all wouldn't dare to dip the container into the swan lake to collect the water. in the end i risked my life doing it for them. and ALMOST fell in -.- the even more sad thing was that it was lyk raining and i didn't have an umbrella...so i just walked under the rain. lol... got back to sch and went to dover market to buy my charkwayteow! yummy! :D and then bought a drink as well. went back to school to eat. ate my charkwayteow and ruffles that rena bought at the same time. lol...there were a lot of ppl from other schools in the canteen. which was scary...cause i didn't even noe them at all... did the recording. haha! we're damn smart can! put the script on the wall then read. so we will look professional! lyk we memorised our script. wheeeeeeeeeeee! :DDDD hahaha mr don is super funny! went retarded luh...then during the last scene i from outside heard my phone ringing. but cause recording mah...so couldn't pick up. the moment both of them stopped talking i suddenly jump up and ran out of the door screaming..."my phone!!!" hahahaha! super funny luh! and mr don somemore haven't say cut yet. LOL! stupid luh...mr lee called me -.- eeyer...i thought who luh...cause i saw my phone miss call was a number i didn't noe...then i kept calling but keep getting number busy...in the end managed to call through then heard the " thank you for calling fairfield blah blah blah..." then i was lyk diao -.- then called home to ask if got anyone call me...then daddy said was a media teacher...so i concluded that mr lee called me about the x-site thing. hahahahaha! x) anyway...went esther's house after that...lol. been going her house for lyk the whole week luh! super funny. anyway...went on the internet...didn't really do much luh. she was going for dinner with ros, andy and ros' frens. but i had to miss...cause i needed to go home for dinner...but i didn't want to go actually...cause it was at town...but i got a really yummy dinner at home! honeyed chicken wings! :D yay! daddy promised me a nice yummy dinner for my tmr night!!!!! wheeeee!!! my fav broccoli and pork ribs! yumyummmmm :D i wanna grow fatter! then i can exercise more and gain more muscles! yay! hahahahaha! okay CF tmr at calv's house! excited excited excited! hahaha! haven't seen the CF peeps in a week!!! haha! usually i'll see them in sch and say hi to them...but i got no one to say hi to for lyk one week! so sad! hahaha. but quite happy! tmr can get to see them liao...but only 5 ppl going tmr luh...me, abi, calv, joash & raph! noch don't wanna come luh! so irritating -.- then jo and gene cannot come. didn't even hear from rey and ros . so haix...oh wells... okay...just now mommy called me to drink a drink...but she didn't tell me wad it was...then i saw this UIC detergent packet on the kitchen table and i was lyk "is this detergent?" hahaha! then mommy said that i said the same thing as korkor. haha lyk duh! we're siblings! x) okay wadever. it was lemon honey actually. hahahahaha! haix...tmr got media. i'm SO GONNA BRING MY JACKET!!! if not i'll have to go out of the com lab every 5 mins just to "defrost" -.- okay wadever...anyway...speaking about jackets...i saw a super cute sweater at pull&bear!!! ahhhhhhhhh!!! it's green...and it had a turtle on it!!! so cute!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it luh! but it costs as much as my uber shiny pink sequined purple pink panther jacket luh!!! :( so sad! i want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol... just watched finish my all time favourite movie in the world!!! UPTOWN GIRLS! my goodness! i've been searching for the movie for lyk ages luh! the first time i watched it was with my mom at the cinema...i rmb i was sick that time...then only me and my mom was at home...so my mom brought me to watch this show. this show is really really really nice man! there's this one part which even brought tears to my eyes...cause it was lyk really sad...but overall the show was really cute! hahaha! i don't mind watching it over and over again! hahahahahaha! so glad i managed to find this movie! lol... anyway...i think i better go do something about the x-site thing. before mr lee murders me tmr...yupps so i better go. yay! bye!(: mabTHONG. to the ends of the earth, to the ends of the earth mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:01 PM
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
anyway...went out with rosanne and esther to shop after! so funny luh they! we went shopping at vivo! walked everywhere luh. esprit, pull&bear, gap, mango, topshop, zara & aldo. wherever they went i just followed. i didn't really shop luh. i just basically followed them around and stuff. haha. camwhored lyk mad and laughed a lot as well. hahahahahaha! then went B&Js for ice cream! x) yummmmmmmm!!! lol... tmr have to go sch for recording for news broadcast project. lol...then on thurs there's media! and CF at calvin's house!!! wheeeeeeeeee!!! so super chao excited luh! we're having lunch together! then on fri & sat there's radical conference! so excited!!! didn't manage to go for last year's one cause i wasn't in church yet. so i'm lyk so excited now!!! :D i've just kidnapped cuppycake! hahahaha. bet you don't noe who i'm talking about. lol...anyway...just watched finish step up 2: the streets. it wasn't as nice as step up. now i noe why chase is so familiar! haha! he acted in the show she's the man! his original name is robert hoffman. now i'm watching the game plan. i wouldn't have to watch it on such a small screen if i hadn't missed that cell group outing i planned last dec hols :( so irritated. anyway...gonna watch narnia with the service on 4th june. lyk they're gonna book the whole theatre. erm...they might as well book the whole cinema. lol...there's lyk 300 plus ppl luh...hahahahaha! luckily it's only service 2. not the whole YI. lol..i bet v. little ppl will go luh. lyk seriously. hahahahahahahaha! i don't noe wad to blog about liao...so i guess i'm gonna go. yupps! so bye!(: mabTHONG. trying...still trying. -.- mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 7:14 PM
Monday, May 26, 2008
went to esther's house to watch gong zhu xiao mei. i almost died luh...stupid esther freaking dao-ed me the whole time luh! so irritating man! :( kept going out to the pool to cool off and "suntan" hahahaha! can't wait till small group party!!! so excited! :D had to lyk leave her house early cause her dad was coming home earlier than expected. okay i'm lyk seriously bored...so i linked lyk as many ppl i could haha. and changed the codings of my blog as you have realised...i hope it looks better? lol...i dunno luh...i'm lyk so erhhhhh...really really bored. hahahahahaha! :D okay lyk i so gtg...dad incoming. hahaha! and when i'm lyk freaking watching step up 2: the streets luh! :X current state of mood: on a high! x) mabTHONG. peace out! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 7:50 PM
OMG...haix...i dunno wad to say luh huh...but just now when i went down to have a little break of mine and was eating my oreo...guess who i saw!!!! -.- my goodness...wad's he doing in school...okay...he was half in army pants...okay wadever... why can't IDA lyk end NOW?!?!?!?! so frigging irritating luh!!! :X argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11/2 hours and counting :X argh!!! okay i better go... current state of mood: surprised! NOT mabTHONG. you are the lock, but now i have the key! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:00 AM
heyyo! guess what? it's my birthday today! :D so cool right? i know man! x) firstly... i'd like to say thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday! mark, trevor, cleo, isaiah, cherise, val & the lumut people! and acts one! :D thanks guys!!! and lisa & sarah for the pretty heart! :D i love it! x) haha! went to lot one for breakfast at macs! mcgriddles breakfast!!! mmmmmmm :D then went to buy my OBS stuff! :D and my birthday present :D hahahaha! i wanted to buy the audio technica earphones... but so ex! :( i bought the princess diaries: to the nines! whooooooooohooooooooo! :DDD happy happy! i wish someone who can buy me the audio technica earphones! :D preddy please? hahaha! anyway... was supposed to meet esther and jobok at KAP macs... but they ps me! :( they went to jobok's house... when esther actually said she wanted to celebrate my b'dae... haix... so sad...i got ps-ed on my b'dae :X so in the end i just went to church on my own... went to church basement and started going on high hahahahaha. come on! it's lyk my b'dae!!! hahahahahaha! i was lyk super happy... until that stupid watt weihao... threw that stupid ball at the back of my head... and made me cry. -.- wadthecrap luh! spoil my b'dae lor he! -.- hahaha...no luh.. not so mean... not lyk someone. played follow the leader and hide and seek. so retarded luh! i got caught lyk so fast luh! hahahahahaha... next time if we play hide and seek i noe a v. good place to hide liao. hahahaha! :D darius and kirby went missing luh! it was lyk we couldn't find them at all... thn esther dragged me to the 2nd floor and to "find" them -.- i practically knew wad was happening alr luh... cause esther just made me stand there and wait... then when she got a call from sarah and we took the lift down... when we came out the whole small group was lyk there then there was lyk a cake on the floor haha so touched luh! then they say me and xiaoming the birthday song then we ate the cake! hahaha! the cake is so yummy! if i'm not wrong it's from hoagies hahahaha! so nice!!!!!!!!!! and i was lyk so touched luh! cause lyk v. long nvr had b'dae cake liao... so i was lyk super happy! then during service we watched a movie! my b'dae couldn't get any better luh! hahahahaha! so happy man!!! when it got to dinner i was even happier... cause we had so much fun lyk wad we always do at the rooftop hahahaha! so fun! so fun! got $100 for my b'dae pressie from daddy&mommy! yay! i can lyk buy anything i want... super happy! i'm gonna lyk spend half the save the rest... i already got it all planned out... i wanna buy... 1. earphones 2. pencil case 3. wallet? and trevor lee owes me present! i don't care! hahaha! cause he extort from me on his b'dae... so now my turn! x) lol... so disapointed luh! he didn't wish me again! i hate him man! he sucks! :( and i gave him present somemore! which cost lyk $8.20 plus my sweat, blood and sincrerity :X haix... anyway...yupps! happy day for me! :DDDD can't wait till next year's! sweet sixteen here i come! :D and i thought this year's b'dae will be a bad one again... guess i was wrong!!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! love you guys!!! *muacksx* bye!(: mabTHONG. i love today! <3 mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:20 AM
supposed to show mr lee the progress for the x-site competition...but i haven't started on it yet actually...just gonna show him the layout...the one drawn by jeanette. yeah...then ask him to imagine wad it'll be lyk on the com. lol...or i hope i don't even see him today...then i won't have to even show him at all. YAY! :D lol... everyone is slacking now luh...cause the guy who is here today doesn't noe wad to do! yay! -.- my goodness...i wanna go home luh! i'm not feeling well!!! got a lot of phlegm in my throat!!! :( haiyoh...i want to go home and sleep luh!!!! bloody irritating can??? -.- ARGH!!!!! sleep!!! i need sleep!!!! saw chongseng on the way to school just now. hahahaha! super funny can! stupid chongseng always try to irritate me -.- eeyer...in church also...always liddat. hahahahahahaha! haix...i wanna create a new blog skin. hmm...based on something i lyk...lyk the moon! wheeeeeeeeee!!! hahahahahaha! and rainbows! and lollipops!!! :DDDDDDDDDD lollipop gurl wants lollipops again! :X how? i'm dying of thirst!!! :( i nvr bring my waterbottle...so stupid. haix...i didn't bring anything at all today luh...wadthecrap! :X haix...oh wells...counting down...4 1/2 more hours to go. erh...not helping -.- lol...since i'm so free now...i shall post the post about my b'dae! :D okay yay!!! buhbye!(: current state of mood: freaking cheesed off... mabTHONG. i'm on a high mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:15 AM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Creation's revealing Your majesty From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring Every creature unique in the song that it sings All exclaiming woke up today with my eyes all puffy...guess i really did cry a lot last nite. haix...was really upset about my whole day ytd. i dunno how to say...but yeah. i needa start cheering up soon before i go into my same old holiday mood again. which is at rock bottom 0 on my mood scale. as you can see...i already started putting my current state of mood at the end of every post. haix...this is for me to keep check on my state of psycho-ness...if it reaches beyond psycho...i'll have to call my psychiatrist asap...or else i'll end up in IMH. haix... Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name You are amazing God All powerful, untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God went to ster's house today to slack. supposed to be doing homework...but you noe me...i hate hate HATE doing hw...so we ended up planning small group part-aey! :D 2nd june at ster's house! poolside party! hahaha! can't wait!!! :D lyk v. long nvr have cell outing liao! and as the functions person who's supposed to plan all of the outings feels lyk a total failure! cause even though i plan outings...lyk everything comes out lyk crap...and all my plans get destroyed and everything :X haix...i can only think straight...i can't bend my mind to think more creatively. haix... Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night None can fathom now got van helsing! i wanna watch...but i wanna use to com also. haix...i shall sacrifice van helsing for my com...cause it's satanic too luh...so yeah. don't watch don't watch! hahahaha! but it's kinda nice in a way...haix. wad am i saying?!?!?! Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name You are amazing God All powerful, untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God You are amazing God tmr got media! chao sian can? have to wake up at 6am luh! so sickening man!!! starts at 8am and ends at 1pm! freaking 5 hours luh! damn sickening can?!?!?! lyk so frigging waste time luh! don't even wanna go lor! i wish i can just pon luh! then thursday also have! for lyk another 5 hours! eeyer!!!!!!!!!! so angry. Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name You are amazing God All powerful, untameable, Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim You are amazing God argh!!!!!!!!!!!! there's supposed to be CF this thursday! but everyone doesn't wanna go! cause ppl lyk enoch thinks it's too far! it's only at freaking pasir panjang luh! not lyk it's at pasir ris rite? wahlao ehhh...i don't wanna cancel luh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm so freaking pissed luh! it's lyk everyone doesn't care about CF!!! it's lyk not one of our priorities in the things that we do luh! i'm so angry that CF is turning out lyk that can? it's lyk forcing ppl to come is lyk of no use. then if ppl don't come then we have to freaking cancel. then wad's the point of even having CF in the first place if we're just gonna cancel every week man seriously! argh!!!!!!! jo cannot come cause he has a BBQ for lyk the whole day then jie also cannot come cause he'll be in malaysia from tmr till sat luh! i'm feeling so irritated man!!! Indescribable, uncontainable, You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name You are amazing God Incomparable, unchangeable You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same You are amazing God You are amazing God one last thing before i go... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOEL! don't even noe why i even bother doing this anymore...[for him that is...freaking unappreciative person] okay i'm gone...buhbye!(: current state of mood: freaking pissed off mabTHONG. You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:52 PM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
freaking ppl are so freaking irritating. get a life can? only noe how to gossip about other ppl. go and gossip about yourself luh! wadthecrap luh! piss me off only! i hate you i hate you i hate you!!! ask me to bring my stuff for you then in the end you didn't even freaking take them from me! you suck man! spent half an hour just sorting out the stuff then even went to the trouble of digging everything out and finding them for you. then even went through all the stuff to see which ones you needed and which ones you didn't. i hate you man! wad's wrong with you luh?! and then you didn't even apologise for asking me to bring all the stuff and then rejecting me in my face saying that you didn't want anymore. you're damn good man you! thanks so much luh huh. don't even noe why i freaking even agreed to bring them for you man seriously just go away luh you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! class party ytd...quite fun luh...dunno how to describe. erh...let's just say after i left abi sia told me that everyone was wet and all of the guys were in the pool. it all started out with a stupid dare where liu had to dunk chris into the pool. then with chris running out of the club house. where josh and dome went after him. than val ong decided to change our dunking target to josh. then when josh and dome came back with chris captive in their hands. chris spend almost half an hour changing into his swimming trunks -.- with chris and josh going topless and then josh grabbing chris and jumping into the pool. then dome, liu, govind and julius going topless as well and dome jumping in to the pool then liu grabbing govind in and then dome, liu and govind carrying julius into the pool. wadthecrap? okay wadever... current state of mood: emo-ing. NOT. bye!(: mabTHONG. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:18 PM
Friday, May 23, 2008
anyway...school was fun!!! :D haha esp when i was playing with arjun's remote control cars and irritating yijie, joshua & govind. hahaha! was super funny luh! started the day with assembly...actually really listen to devotion this morning. i dunno why...usually i listen but nothing goes in. anyway...then headed to class for class contact. miss ong collected report books with we chatted away. lol...haix...can't believe he got 37th in clss luh! omg can! haha thanx cel for asking him for me, then telling him that i was the one who asked -.- haiyoh. hahaha! anyway...after miss ong left we got started on the games stall banner! DOTA! :D the banner is so preddy luh! halfway doing the stuff suddenly got announcement about some briefing thing in the hol. but guess wad? only 7 ppl from 3E went. ohmyg-ness luh! i tell you we're gonna be dead man! okay. wadever...did the painting while the briefing was going on. the gays were gaying while we did the painting. slackers luh they! hahahaha! then at one point in time, they were lyk snatching each others shoe o.O then all of the sudden when josh got liu's shoe, he went "AHAHA! i got your shoe!! i dunno wad to do." -.- wadthecrap? damn funny luh! we were laughing lyk made. then he climbed on top the table and put liu's shoe on the fan. then dunno who turned the fan on. then liu's shoe went flying and hit yumni. lol...so freaking retarded luh... after the briefing ended, val suddenly appeared and said that we needed to see mr ren at the LT. we were damn pissed can! cause we almost finished liao. went to the LT to find gideon. then he told us that it's break now so can go eat. but then at 10.15am have to go report to him. wahlao ehh...pissed us off only lor! i finished painting mr king olympus! then went to find gideon again. today him that we were already done with our banner and it was drying in our classroom...so we didn't want to move it anymore...so gideon let us continue doing our touch up in class. painted lyk the target. then went down to buy pink dolphin on my own. :X went back to class then felt hungry again then went down to canteen to buy a croissant saw jie and him at canteen dunno doing wad. went to find calvin about his church concert on the 7th june. then walked back to canteen. saw jie and asked him to return my money. haha! chased him around parade square cause he was being so irritating. went back to class...got an sms from jie, then went to find him. so irritating luh he! called him stupid then he started pouting. -.- then had to say sorry one million times. haiyoh...that xiao qi ghui. lol...then saw arjun playing with his car. then snatched one of them from him. hahaha! so funny! then jie, josh & govind played while i tried to snatch away their car. hahaha! played with the cars for a while too! so fun luh! v. long nvr play remote controlled cars liao. the one kor has that bren and daryl and some others bought sucks. cause it can't turn v. well...one of the cars lost the antenna. lol...the merc was lyk the coolest luh! press the red button then the hood will come out. damn cool can? hahahahaha! so fun! so fun! so fun!!! class party at 5pm later!!! leaving the house soon...about 3.45pm? takes me about 45mins to get to dover. meet abi sia at school bus stop at 4.30pm. after she drop off her report book at GO then go to locker and bring all her stuff home. then we going to 7-eleven to buy the drinks for class party! haha! so envious that abi LIVES at heritage view where the class party will be held. hahahaha! going to buy lollipop also! hahahahaha! that will be my 3rd lollipop for the day! lol...ate 2 in school just now. hahahaha! x) okay anyway...i just wanna say... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHAUN! hahahaha! it's his b'dae once again! :D happy b'dae man! miss you luh! long time nvr see you liao. lol...smsed him at 12am sharp today! so punctual rite? hahahaha! he replied luh surprisingly...last year he took lyk two whole days just to reply my sms. and i remembered that he smsed me when i was watching pirates of the carribean: at world's end. lol...super funny! haix...he forgot my b'dae again luh! :( i'm v. sad can! i rmb his every year but this year he asked me when my b'dae was AGAIN -.- haix...oh wells... didn't manage to drag trev out today luh! that guy harh! say he tired then don't want to bring me out :( now i have to wait till next week till i can get my pressie! so saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad! all your fault trevor! gonna drag him out to JP next week and torture him! muahahahahahahaha! x) okay i better go get ready for class party. if not i'll be late for meeting abi sia. hahaha! okayokay...i'm going now. buhbye!(: mabTHONG. so in love with you <3 mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 1:49 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
waited around for lyk 1hr and a half for him...but guess wad? he already came and left...lyk before 10. wadthecrap luh...i thought i would be able to see him. -.- went to vivo after that. went to DG lifestyle store to buy my earphones. yay! :D my hawt pink earphones are the love!!! :D i'm gonna take good care of them and not let them spoil! i love them so much luh! but it was lyk 28bucks luh! so pissing can! :X now i only left 72bucks from my b'dae pressie...i was thinking of buying a new pencil case...cause my current one is lyk so dirty luh! gonna buy from the wallet shop! :D MYUK!!! x) oh and did i mention that i bought a new wallet? hahaha ozozo sac!!!!!! yay! preddy preddy wallet now belongs to me! :DDDDDDDDDDD but it's lyk $36 and cheapo skate daddy says i have to pay every cent! :( but i told him that i'll fen qi fu kuan! hahahaha! which in english means pay by installment! x) and by installment i mean $1 every week! hahahahaha! so after 36 weeks then my debt will be cleared! hopefully i'll pay of my debt by the end of this year. or even better if daddy forgets! hahahaha! then i'll be able to save $36 and buy other stuff. lyk food! so i can gain more wait! stupid enoch said i must gain more weight! cause he saw my report book and it's stated that i'm underweight! :( so sad luh! nvm! i'm 40kg le! hahahaha! after term 3's height and weight measurements i confirm not underweight liao! hahahahahahahaha! :DDDDDDDD yay! dragging trevor to JP tmr by hook or by crook! hahaha! he promise me liao! so he cannot fan hui! hahaha! if not i will fan lian! :X lol...i'm gonna make sure that...haha secret don't tell you! my elaborate plan will not leak from my mouth! x) so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! :D hahahahahaha! oh! and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABI SIA! you'll be seeing a lot of ppl's name appear these days! lol...a lot of ppl's b'dae luh! anyway...happy b'dae abi! love you so much! thanx for comforting me during my down times! love you so much! you're finally 15th! enjoy! :D okay i going liao...gonna play audi now. cause i'm bored! :( tmr is funfair prep! no class! yay! i hope i don't have to stay back until 1. cause then that would suck. hahaha! or okay stay until 1 i don't mind...cause i still have to wait for trev's school to end which will be at 12.30...so yeah...but anytime after 1 i'm gonna be v. sian. hahahaha! yupps...so i'm going now! and sorry for the over use of chinese words today. hahahaha! bye!(: mabTHONG. yay! so happy today! :D mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:10 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
kor went to bren kor house to stay over ytd night. so jealous..but the weird thing was that he went over to bake cookies as well! hahaha! so funny luh! and weird. lol... but the cookies were yummy! i bought a pack to sample and to show kor support in their fund-raising. and i joked with kor that he can open bakery liao. HAHAHAHA! but they so rip off luh! haha! 3 puneey little cookies in a pack for $1.50 luh! so ex! hahahaha! had CF today! but so little ppl came only! rosanne came today though! had lyk a lot of fun! hong hui was there too! so it was pretty cool :D hahaha! now i need to think of where we can hold CF meetings during the hols. hahaha! i don't want to see CF break for one whole month just because of school hols luh! :( cause then i'll be really sad! D: went home with enoch after CF! crapped all the way home with him. hahaha! he was pretneding he was gay. and he said and did lyk really gross stuff which was funny! hahahahahaha! so glad he stays near me luh! if not everytime after CF i have to go home alone...which will be lyk super sian. hahahaha! tmr collecting report book liao! i v. scared luh! as in i noe my results alr luh...but still...i wanna die man! :X going to stay in school until lyk 11.30am...to wait and do my baozhangbaodao cause i still haven't done it...oh wells...then after that i'm gonna try to see if i can find him...if not then i'm heading to vivo! cause i wanna buy my earphones! iLuv i201! the pink ones! it's so nice luh! i'm v. angry cause i'm gonna waste an extra 8bucks. cause if i buy from the apple store...it'll cost 27bucks which is lyk 8bucks more than the same ones sold at harvey norman! which sells it for 19bucks. so irritating luh! ytd i went to JP and BPP just to find it luh! went to harvey norman at both places. the JP harvey don't even have at all! but the BPP harvey had. but it was the green ones! so pissing luh! :X i v. angry!!! lemme show to the earphones... ![]() the one i want ![]() and the one BPP harvey only had available i currently have the white one...which looks lyk this: ![]() it's nice luh...but when it's old and turns yellow...then it become unglam! cause white gets dirty the easiest! how? should i stick with the pink ones or go for the green ones just for saving that 8bucks? but green is lyk not my colour luh! :X haix...i dunno luh...see how first...if vivo has harvey norman then better still! go there and check out whether got the pink ones...if not then just go to the apple store to get...lol... anyway...i feel lyk sleeping now! :X haix...going to school tmr with enoch! :D and his fren...lol...erh jazreel. yupps. haha so i get to sleep in a bit later! :D cause i only have to wake up at 8! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :DDDDDDDDDD hahahaha! oh and one more thing... HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEIHAO! lol...didn't noe it was his b'dae today until last week when his small group went botak jones for dinner after service to celebrate his b'dae. lol... abi sia's b'dae tmr, then shaun's b'dae the day after, then joel's b'dae lyk on 25th! wah! so many ppl's b'dae all in one week! hahaha! so cool man! lol...yay! all the may babies! lyk me! x) hahahahahaahahahahaha! okay i think i better go write a bit of my baozhangbaodao now. lol...then tmr just wait things out...haix...it's gonna be a long day tmr :X oh wells... ah!!!!!!!!! today supposed to watch movie with yijie and gerald!!! but stupid yijie didn't come to school today!!! :X cause he sick again -.- haiyoh...then CF also he not there...then in the end i can't watch the show i wanted to watch which was accuracy of death! haix...lim yijie! i want to kill you! :X spoil my day! haiyoh... oh and gonna drag trev out to go buy my b'dae present from precious thots at JP this friday! after he comes back from kota tinggi for his sec3 camp! hahahaha! he promised me he'll bring me out! so haha! cannot regret liao hor trev! you promise liao! lol...and my pressie going to 3 weeks overdue liao! hahahahahahaha! i want it NOW!!!!! :X hahahahahaha! lol...okay! that's all for the not so random post afterall...hahahaha! buhbye!(: mabTHONG. i can't help it!!! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:34 PM
Friday, May 16, 2008
school was pretty boring today. eng was lyk so slack today luh! hahaha. went to com lab 4 to do the broadcasting news project...which no one was actually doing. so i really didn't noe why mrs toh even brought us there in the first place -.- haha was typing on the transcript and i was online as well...almost wanted to kill the gays also. hahahahaha! after school stayed back to have lunch with ame, abi, siying & rena then walked around school for a bit before bus-ing down to buona to meet mommy. headed to lavender! was going to make my IC! x) after making my IC went down to the cafeteria for snack :D yummy yummy cake and teh tarik! yummy!!!! :D then took 33 to victoria road then transferred to 190 to go home. slept all the way. was so tired luh! :( haix...nvr go school again man! wad's wrong with that person? hope he's not sick or anything. cause that would suck. haix... oh yeah...class party on friday! yay! :D so excited! can't wait man! :D but seriously? at heritage view? you gotta be kidding me man! church tmr! can't wait too! :D julius, nich and jon tan are going for service! which is lyk so cool! but i don't wanna go to buddy for cell!!! :( haiyoh. andy is taking us tmr! yupps...i can't wait! watching hannah montana currently...so yupps! buhbye!(: mabTHONG. the other side of me mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:15 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
anyway...just wanna say!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DICKSON KOR! thanx for lyk not remembering mine luh! wadthecrap :( and you didn't even wish me! haix...make me so sad! :( 4 more days to joanne's b'dae! going out this coming tuesday for marco polo outing cum joanne's b'dae celebration! wheeeeeeeeeeeee! so excited! hahahahahaha! got back results today! :( i did so badly luh! :( i wanna cry can!!! i shall reveal my results! english: 54.8% C6 chinese: 66.1% B3 math: 91.4% A1 a math: 83.8% A1 phys: 69.8% B3 bio: 66.6% B3 chem: 82.1% A1 geog: 68.0% B3 ohmygoodness luh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna murder myself alr man! B3 for physics leh!!! damn frigging gay luh! missed A2 by o.2% luh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! damn gay can! oh and geog...my goodness! 2.0%!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to an A2!!!!!!!! GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haix...oh wells...i still won him! x) 2 out of 8 subs he got higher - english & phys. the rest i trash! muahahahahahahaha! :D erm HCl and chinese cannot say is the same rite? so in that case he thrashed me in 2 out of 7 subs. okay wadever. i still win! xD haix...i shall go and do my a math hw now...if not tmr ms lee sure scold. haix...I HAVE NO LIFE!!!!!! :X oh wells...bye!(: mabTHONG. that school ponner! :( mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:31 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
seriously man! the teachers all have no life one luh! i tell you arh! they just CMF ppl for absolutely no reason luh! as in seriously luh! wahlao ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! piss me off only luh!!!!!!! wahlao ehh! seriously...i can't stand it...waste time waste ink and waste life -.- so happy when it finally got to CF! but guess what? smack! everything just got messed up! aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't stand it!!! i was so upset luh! :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( i really wanted things to be perfect. i prayed and prayed! i want to cry alr man! why????????? why man? WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! then straight after CF was my freaking doctor appointment. and once again! TADA! my freaking doctor can't freaking tell me why i'm freaking going through so much pain! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!! wad is wrong with him?!?! he says the same thing everytime! i even cried cause i was so upset he couldn't tell me wad was freaking wrong with me and all he did was prescribe me some freaking cream that i highly even doubt is gonna work luh! wadthecrap man seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at least wad made it better was that i met my senior at NUH! one of the doctors! which was super cool! had lyk a super nice chat in his office with my parents about random stuff. it was super cool meeting my senior who is lyk 4 years older who is working at NUH as an attachment. so cool luh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he's super nice also! :D hahahahaha! sorry about the post...but i have to vent my anger before i explode. i wanna go to sleep now. nights! bye!(: mabTHONG. i wanna die now! someone kill me!!! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:27 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
okay..anway...haven't got down to typing my whole OBS adventure! i bet you guys wanna read...but sorry! i really haven't got time! don't worry! i will! soon! promise :D i'm really really busy...erm doing nothing actually...but now is still not the time again. not supposed to be using the com you noe...only allowed on fridays, weekends and hols. but i told daddy that i was gonna do my R&D project...but i don't feel lyk doing it anymore :( haix...i don't have a life man seriously! this is really damn sad! CF tmr!!! whooooooooo! finally! but NO!!!!!!!!!!! calvin, raph and joel pangseh!!! cause of chapel band prac! nooooooooooooooooo!!!! haix...i was hoping for full attendance luh! but NO! :X i'm lyk super sad now luh...instead of ten now only got seven :( but i forgot to include rahul...so eight altogether! wheeeeeee!!! not bad luh! i'm SO NOT cancelling man!!! NVR!!! hahahahahahahahahaha! anyway...hope the CF peeps can meet up during june hols for CF at somewhere...wherever the place is. :D photo-taking today! i think i'm gonna look so bad in the photo! my hair was so screwed today luh! not lyk ytd when my hair was pretty okay. haix...why couldn't photo-taking be lyk ytd??? but oh well...anyway...the scary thing was that during both class & cca photo he was lyk there? it was pretty scary luh...but i was happy to see him! lol...stupid luh! the dragon boat photo was supposed to be lyk at 2.45pm luh! then in the end they had their photo-taking at 4 plus exactly before media's photo-taking luh! haiyoh...why so coincidental one? cabbed home with eme! thanks eme for the ride!!! saw kor on the 74 bus on his way to clementi MRT station! hahaha! super funny luh! cause i was in the cab in between fairfield and ACSI then i was looking out of the window into this 74 bus and i saw someone really familiar. then i realised it was kor. i called him and ask him to turn around then ask him to look for a silver cab. then he saw me luh! haha i asked him whether he wanted a ride...but he asked who i was in the cab with...then he said he didn't want anymore. lol! super funny man seriously! in the end i reached home 10 mins before him! LOL!!! mommy was cooking when i got back home! we had a jap dinner tonight man! so cool luh! it was super yummy!!! mommy is such a great cook...though she doesn't really noe how to cook...all the dishes that she noes how to cook are super yummy luh! :D so long nvr eat home cooked food liao! but tmr not mommy not cooking...cause tmr i got doc appointment at NUH. haix...so sad luh...oh well... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! super scared about my appointment tmr...lyk as if my doc is gonna announce my death or something -.- have to rush off after CF to NUH luh...pretty sian...cause i won't be able to go home with enoch and have a nice chat with him on the way home. hahahaha! haix okay...i'm pretty sad now! just ate a slice of cake! from the mother's day cake kor bought for mommy...so shocking luh! that kor actually bought something for mommy for the first time ever luh! hahaha! last time he always just rip off from me. hahahaha! i want to go and sleep liao! last night i slept super damn early! at lyk 9.30 plus! hahaha! but first i wanna do my quiet time! the first since three months! i repeat! three months. i'm super disappointed in myself. haix...alright i shall get cosy in my bed, do my QT then go to bed! :D big day tmr with CF and my appointment and everything. yupps! so seeya! byebye!(: mabTHONG. i've got nerve! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:16 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
anyway...IT'S OVER!!! SO SO OVER!!!!!!!!!!! O-V-E-R! OVER! hahaha! sorry...i'm lyk going psycho as you realised...yeah...but if you noe wad i'm talking about...good for you! okay fine maybe it's only half over? but who cares man? when i say it's over...it is! though others might disagree... photo-taking tmr!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh! i'm so glad i didn't cut my hair! i wanted to ytd...but phew! hahaha! we're going to have photo taking with 3H!!! :D haha pretty happy about that x) at least it's lyk not some crappy class. haha! at least i noe people from there...okay. FINE maybe only one...but at least it's the person i want to see :D oh and cca photo is at 4.05pm which is lyk super late...and which totally is killing my time :( this sucks man! and i can't even go home to rest first before coming to school because i stay so far away...i wish the timing was at 2.45pm or something...lyk the ncc(sea) peeps... so pissing luh... today was a pretty cool day...saw marco polo wherever i went. hahaha! i miss them!!!!!!!!!! lyk a lot a lot :( i haven't got the time to blog about OBS or finish up my post about my b'dae. oh and about church last week and 2days ago. yupps...i will soon. when i have the time. now is not really good time seriously... i shall blog about random stuff...lyk how all the lumut ppl ponned school today...seriously...13 ppl were absent. including wesley chia. it was pretty shocking. ms ong was on leave too...so we got to have free period during lifeskills x) i spent my time writing encouragement cards for the CF peeps! oh and yijie owes me $15! hahaha he's paying by instalments...which is a pretty not good thing. cause all the money will just fly away...cause i'll buy stuff lyk mad! can't wait for CF on wednesday!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh!!! so excited! :D hahaha we're lyk going to have fellowship lunch! x) after lunch we having p&w then abi is going to do sharing! :D yay! so excited! and a lot of ppl are coming! i think will have full attendance! for the regulars! hahahahaha! yay! yay! yay! oh and we're gonna have lyk newcomers!! enoch got jie to come! so happy! so on wed there's gonna be... 1. jo 2. gan 3. noch 4. aj 5. me! 6. jie 7. josh 8. rey 9. raph 10. joel yay! so many ppl le! i really want CF to bond more man! seriously luh! we've been together for the past 5 months in counting...and progress has been fairly okay...but me and abi is pretty worried...lyk i dunno that CF will dissolve? :X haix...OBS was a pretty good opportunity to share and invite ppl...lyk jie. who i met during OBS and shared with. it was pretty cool luh. i really want this group to expand and grow not only in quantity...but also in quality. jiayou CF-ers! we can do this together! i love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i'll be so lost without you guys during the june hols! we should meet up!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDD vesak day next monday! along with joanne's b'dae!!! marco polo! let's have an outing to celebrate all the may babies' b'dae!!! hahahaha! esp. joanne's b'dae! x) and invite elton also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahahahaha! that would be so cool man! i really miss marco polo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rawrrrrrrrr!!! :( howhowhow? i want to cry liao! lol... dickson kor is so mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he didn't say happy b'dae to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(((((( he still say he give me b'dae pressie...bluff lor! haix...all my korkors bluff me one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so disappointed in all of them! haix............................ addicted to lollipops again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just bought another 2 from 7-eleven! :D grape flavoured! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! happy happy! hahahahaha! but i can't eat it now...cause having media...i want media to end now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 45 more mins of torture!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haix...i shall go now...before i start going nuts :( mabTHONG. lollipop girl want LOLLIPOP! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 3:55 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
man! OBS rawks to the max luh! i'll miss marco polo a lot! lyk a lot a lot! we've been a really great team for the past 5 days! haha doing all the expeditions together! pitching & un-pitching the tents and stuff! okay i shall not elaborate too much on it...i'll save it for tmr for a super detailed post. hahahaha! :D i feel lyk going to sleep now...still in the OBS mode. lol...everyday sleep at around 11pm. hahahaha! super cool! i want to sleep every night at 11pm! lol...but i doubt it's going to happen. slept for 12 hours last night till today morning. i think i'm really too tired :( i wanted to wake up early...but i failed. nvm. i going already. yupps! so...bye!(: mabTHONG. loving marco polo! <3 mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:20 PM
Thursday, May 01, 2008
yay! today i'm happy again! lol... went out today! to celebrate my b'dae erm...NOT! hahahahahahaha! woke up at lyk 10.40 and called abi... haha found out she, cel, ceph, and liu were going out so i decided to tag along... cause i didn't want to stay at home and rot lemme just say that i freaked out at about 2pm yeah... cause someone appeared that i didn't really want to :X yeah...and let's just say the person didn't noe i was coming either -.- how nice yeah? -.- argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! went for lunch at macs in taka before meeting the rest of the guys at cine lyk liu, govind, aaron and joshua went in for the movie at 2.15pm... my mid-life crisis was just about over in what? hours later? yeah okay wadever watched iron man all over again... haha! i understand the movie better the second time! it was so cool! i love it! esp. when the guy smacked himself into the wall hahahahahahahaha! :D after the movie, after abi, govind and ceph went home the guys - dome, liu, aaron and joshua dragged us - me and cel to the meridian to play pool... but there weren't any places left... so they continued dragging us all the way to the cathay where they spent about half an hour playing TABLE SOCCER at ADIDAS. -.- ohmygosh...i wanted to die man! sat at one side with cel pretending we didn't noe the guys cause they were making a lot of noise. a lot A LOT of noise! -.- and liu and dome kept coming over to ask us to play lyk no way! as if i was gonna let them noe i actually play table soccer -.- they wish... and i'm not on any account touching anything that he touched... i didn't even eat any of the popcorn the guys were passing to and fro because he touched it. seriously... hahaha! the guys walked us out when i had to go... and cel had to wait for her mom... walked to dhoby ghaut mrt station to meet daddy, mommy and korkor went to vivo for dinner! :D went to hei she hui! splurged $214 for dinner! hahahaha! :D but it was pretty worth it... cause it was... daddy's b'dae cum my b'dae cum kor's b'dae cum mother's day cum daddy&mommy's wedding anniversary dinner! haha so cool rite?! :D celebrate 5 events in one dinner! so super worth it luh! dinner was yummy! but i didn't eat some stuff... cause it was SPICY! :X i lyk kor and daddy's crysenthemum tea! cause it was so yummy! :D esp. when you add the sugar syrup! :D after dinner we went to walk... to digest the food... went to action city cause kor wanted to buy his b'dae pressie... he bought a 4x4x4 rubik's cube so cool luh! but i can't solve. lol... oh and... HAPPY BIRTHDAY YEEHONG! saw him and joey when we were at orchard today... apparently they were going to celebrate yeehong's b'dae. hahaha so now i'm home and slacking. hahahaha! supposed to be doing hw... but i'm seriously in no mood to do so... haix... so...i shall go now! byebye! :D mabTHONG. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:00 PM |