her highness.
3.5.93; seventeen'10NP-ian; biomedical laboratory technology COSBT impactLIFE; newLIFE lollipop princess! eternal maknae! ♥ strange addiction. we're members of GOD's family, we're children of the KING; because we've put our faith in CHRIST, to us HE'll always cling.♥
her loves.
GODalan; alex; ariel; jalq; gene; violet; ian; winnie purple family besties cell fahrenheit! wuzun! super junior! ryeowook! sungmin! donghae! blueberry tea! lollipop! froyo! ice-skating! puzzles!
her wishes.
sony vaio cs 36GJ! [berry purple]PSP! [purple/black] handphone [htc touch pro 2] iPod nano gen 4 [purple] puzzles! run away; meg cabot twilight saga box set farenheit's 2nd album. :D
her talk.
her loyal subjects.
abi-joy low.celeste lim. dai jun hong. isaiah chia. loh junyi. actsONE; actsPLOSIVES
abi-joy low.darius chng. doreen neo. esther lyn. sarah chin. trevor lee. watt weihao.
her memories.
x[April 2007]x
x[May 2007]x x[June 2007]x x[July 2007]x x[August 2007]x x[September 2007]x x[October 2007]x x[November 2007]x x[December 2007]x x[January 2008]x x[February 2008]x x[March 2008]x x[April 2008]x x[May 2008]x x[June 2008]x x[July 2008]x x[August 2008]x x[September 2008]x x[October 2008]x x[November 2008]x x[December 2008]x x[January 2009]x x[February 2009]x x[March 2009]x x[April 2009]x x[May 2009]x x[June 2009]x x[July 2009]x x[August 2009]x x[September 2009]x x[October 2009]x x[November 2009]x x[December 2009]x x[January 2010]x x[February 2010]x x[March 2010]x x[April 2010]x x[May 2010]x x[June 2010]x x[July 2010]x x[August 2010]x x[September 2010]x x[October 2010]x x[November 2010]x x[January 2011]x x[May 2011]x x[June 2011]x x[July 2011]x x[August 2011]x x[September 2011]x x[October 2011]x x[November 2011]x x[January 2012]x x[February 2012]x x[March 2012]x x[April 2012]x x[May 2012]x x[June 2012]x x[July 2012]x x[August 2012]x x[September 2012]x x[November 2012]x x[January 2013]x x[March 2013]x x[June 2013]x x[January 2014]x x[March 2014]x x[January 2015]x x[September 2015]x x[June 2016]x |
Thursday, April 29, 2010
i don't want this to happen! omg!!!! i feel like dying right now! i'm feeling so super vexed i don't have any idea what to do!!!!!!!!!! i feel like killing myself now!!! :X everything is going in the bloody wrong direction! i honestly feel like killing myself right now/dying. i'm just gonna crawl into bed and wallow in my sorrows, and cry my heart out, because i missed the rain. goodnight world. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:51 AM
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
anyway...i worked today! and i'm still up. i should go to bed soon! and i'm going now! yay! so glad that the biostats project is finalized, and almost done! :D haha! now to get cracking on the cell bio project!(: 加油!你有ME! :D if you don't love me at my worst, then you don't even deserve me at my best. everyone has been telling me that. and now i have finally put everything to past. even though i still think about you sometimes, i won't allow you to be a stronghold in my life ever again. to me, valentine's day was a bittersweet memory. but i'll still remember what went down, and how i can change in the future. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 1:40 AM
Saturday, April 24, 2010
it's only words i will never ever again let anyone take my heart away with mere words. talk is cheap honestly. prove to me that you're worth my time and love with your actions. and i don't mean physically. show me that you love me, not just tell me. i'm glad i've finally done my biostats tutorial. except for one question that i have no idea how to do. i managed to figure out the rest of the questions! i'm a happy girl now! :D haha! and i can sleep in peace for tonight. lol...tomorrow is organic chem day! :X but gambatte! i know i can do it! :D GOODNIGHTS!!!!! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 3:34 AM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
anyway! finally the first week of school has come to an end! it's been a really tiring week, especially with D4F! but now that it's over, i can go back to focusing on my studies! i haven't done a single tutorial! i think i'm the only one in class who hasn't done my tutorial :X goshhh...i need to start working harder! AIM FOR THAT 4.0 GPA!!! hahaha! on a side note, i almost got killed in school today. haha! almost got knocked down by a taxi. best price! haha! everyone, you can now start screaming "HAZARD HAZARD" -.- okay! i needa do a little bit of my tutorial first, before i go to bed. hopefully i'll be able to do biostats by tonight, cause i'm super ultra busy during the weekends. and i'm really upset that i can't join the LSCT FOC outing tomorrow :( but might go find them immediately after service for dinner. haha! sorry NL! pangseh dinner with you guys tomorrow! :X okay! off to do tutorials! nights! ♥
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:41 PM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
i can't go to bed because i'm so irritated! so many things happening, and somethings are beyond my control. i want to correct the situation, but the question is how? i don't want to lose my friendship because of some retarded misunderstanding. annoying to the max! for now i'll just close one eye, and let things fade first. there will be a difference, and the difference has to start with me. sorry. i feel damn freaking bad now. my conscience is clear, but i still feel super bad. oh God! please turn this situation around!
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:32 PM
Monday, April 19, 2010
anyway...D4F training today was a lot better, even though i was tired, and aching. today's dance is so much easier! but i hated the fact that they taught us the same parts differently, because cain taught us first, and the original choreographer ain taught us again. it was freaking different. ANNOYING CRAP!!!! :( reached home quite late, and was practising just now also in the dining room. hahaha! anyway...dinner with calypso was epic! with mcenroe FAILING to remember the names of the calypso freshies, and with us trying to confuse him. HAHAHA! cause celine, eileen and yeung ling were sitting together, so all the lin and ling sounds confused him. hahaha! and he totally can't remember ting yan's name, so now his nick for him is lucy. hahaha! AUNTIE LUCY! JUSTIN BIBLE! hahaha! omgg...really miss FOC! hahaha! great fun! i only saw a few calypso people, like yuening, brianna, hongyue, etc...didn't see wenxiang though :( and the SGLs today CRAZY one! annoying! esp cain, moses and kc! RAWR! feel like biting them! :( bully me sia! haiyoh! hahaha! okays! going to bed now! tomorrow's class starts at 9 :X gosh...NIGHTS! :D
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:17 PM
Sunday, April 18, 2010
this week was a fun but torturous week! :( after LSCT FOC, media, work, D4F training and church, plus the outreach tomorrow! i haven't had a proper rest man! i'm out everyday, working my heart out everyday. coming home feeling so drained and weak, sleeping late cause i'm so tired that i can't even sleep. (i know im weird.) plus next week i have D4F training EVERY NIGHT until the competition, which is on thursday. plus i dunno when is my ice-skating -have to check on monday- plus...i sort of regretted joining D4F. it's fun, BUT SUPER TIRING. plus i'm slowly killing my back :X aching so much today luh! the training is really damn hiong, cause we only have 5 days to learn and practice the whole choreography! plus the dance steps we learnt today are really very tough at certain parts, and i can't keep up to the timing sometimes. and once i miss the timing, i'll just screw up the rest of the dance steps. argh! so annoying! hope the calypso people will come down to support us! hahaha! okay end of ranting! :( can't believe i broke down again and wanted to give up entirely again! i feel like i'm such a weakling! yuening is right about the fact that my life is so super hectic! :( sighs...everyone thinks so too! jason, YN, mce, ken. sighs... okay! i shall end here luh!(: BYEBYE!
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:14 AM
Friday, April 16, 2010
some photos from LSCT FOC! calypso! ♥ hahaha! camp was super fun and amazing! :D made so many new friends! :D i miss them already! hahaha! calypso rocks! ![]() with yuening & wenxiang! :D LSCT was so super fun! hahaha! all the retarded games and stuff. haha! the night of nightwalk was the best! hahaha! cause it was super hilarious! like talking to yuening and wenxiang. and sleeping on the floor with them before the nightwalk. cause we were like super tired and we were trying not to sleep, but we just keep dozing off leaning against the wall. then we really can't take it so we just slept on the floor. hahahahahaha! and performance night was the best too! edwin's sexy dance! plus our encore. hahahaha! didn't really enjoy hop night much cause i was so tired. hahahaha! but anyways...haha! tomorrow is another busy day for me! :( needa go down to NP in the afternoon to buy my textbooks and stuff, then i have to go to work in the evening. damn sian luh!! hahahaha! but still...sighs...gambatte! hahahaha! anyway...i saw three retarded guys running damn gayly today from someone who can't even be bother about them. three grown guys. i literally rolled my eyes when i saw it cause it was so damn freaking gay. hahahahaha! anyways...i'm going to bed le! super super sleepy now! hahahahahahaha! goodnight world! byebye!(:
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 1:53 AM
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
this is my 300th post! :D haha! SO FAST!!!!! going to fairfield tomorrow for media! hope the sec ones will stop being so annoying. gosh............................. my little experiment was such a success today. so super happy now. i officially like to say that it's OVER! so so so OVER EVERYTHING! *does clap clap cheer* haha! sorry i zi-highing now. lol... okay i shall go now! BYE! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:39 PM
Monday, April 12, 2010
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:35 AM
Sunday, April 11, 2010
i have the most retarded schedule next week. i was sort of expecting that rey would put me for fixing machine in the morning, but it turns out i'm doing closing -.- and i'm only working 4.5 hours in total next week. hahaha! LSCT FOC tomorrow, and i still have yet to pack my stuff. sighs...it's gonna be a mad rush tonight. but i'm really sleepy now :( ugh...this is so annoying :( i've nothing much to say for today. i wasted all my energy zi-highing the moment i saw him. gosh...i'm crazy already. bye world! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:18 PM
i just want to be the one that makes you happy. mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 3:34 AM
i was a little pissed off just now, because of something. sighs...we really need to have a serious talk about what's going and stuff, cause it's not only driving me crazy, it's driving almost everyone crazy too! annoying to the max! but anyway...dinner was relatively fun. haha! i love our jamming sessions :D haha! so super fun! one thing i love hanging out with NL(: and the froyo was the best part! hahahahaha! :D i'm sure everyone loved it as well :D lol... going to buy my shoes tmr with qi en, then guitar strings and finally arcade! :D hahaha! i want that humongous bear that is worth 3400 tickets for my birthday!!!! hahahaha! therefore we're going to the arcade tomorrow :D hahaha! okay! i'm going to play my AoE already! byebye! :D mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:06 AM
Friday, April 09, 2010
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:15 PM
what the hell is wrong with me? mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 11:07 PM
my eye has been like hurting since this morning, and it still hurts like crazy! ugh...so annoying :X went for dinner with isaiah just now! haha! super funny plus retarded as usual! haha! i love our almost weekly meet ups for meals :D one of the highlights of my week :D haha! it made my day today! :D but i'll be sad once he goes to europe next year for a month! especially when he's most probably flying off in may!!! :( haha! anyway...i'm super excited for tomorrow! steamboat at giana's house!!! :D yay! i bought THREE take home packs for tomorrow! :D haha! i'm so nice! x) (kidding!!!) gonna buy the food with trevor tomorrow! early in the morning at shengsiong :X haha! i need my beauty sleep!!!!! lol... anyway...happy birthday bren! haha! long time no see(: (sorry this is very random cause i don't know what else to blog about. hahaha!) anyway...going to play my age of empires! :D currently hooked on to it. lol... until next time!(: mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 10:57 PM
i just to hug my bear and go to bed right now, and forget about everything for tonight. and i want your jersey too! this is not good. :( mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 2:42 AM
Thursday, April 08, 2010
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:15 PM
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 6:05 PM
one more month. i don't know why i'm thinking about next month already. but my only wish on that day is that our friendship can be pieced back together. somehow. that's all i wish for this year, on that day. would you even remember that day and date? mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 1:43 AM
at least there's no work tomorrow! i can sleep till the cows come home at night and no one would care :D hahahahahahaha! gosh...i feel so lethargic. and my arm is aching from playing the guitar. and my fingertips are numb too :( haha! but anyways...i love my new guitar picks! i bought 2! one orange, and one purple. haha! the purple one i bought for fun :D lol...and both picks have turtles on them :D anyways...my only working day for the rest of the week is friday. haha! fixing machine with jolene and yanty :D haha! today's work with meixiao, van and dawn is crazy. they keep trying to imply so many things and twist my words. haha! very funny man! can't wait to work with them soon, but i don't think it's possible, because the only time i can work next week is friday :X sighs...next week is a BUSY WEEK!!! LSCT FOC and induction programme, media,church and our local outreach on sunday. only free day left is friday :X crappp. oh...and...geges!!! please go out soon before my school starts! :( if not no time already!!! okay! :X okays. i'm going to bed soon(: i'm getting really sleepy! haha! night nights!(: mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:33 AM
Monday, April 05, 2010
anyway...just now was a really eventful day at work. there was this lady who kept coming back to buy our yogurt just now, even though we warned her that it's not good to eat too much yogurt, even though yogurt is good for your health. she at like 60 over ounces of yogurt, which is almost equivalent to 4 take home packs. it's really madness! i don't see how anyone can even eat that much yogurt within the space of 2 hours. honestly... anyway...i'm very sian now, cause i'm stuck at iluma, cause i needa charge my ipod. but i wanna go home! this is so annoying. but whatever. once my ipod has a little battery to last me home, i'm totally flying home. so super tired right now. i've been barely surviving the past few days. i'm really super super tired. i almost fainted on the way home yesterday. it was that bad. I NEED SLEEP! i've accumulated so much sleep debt, that now no matter how much i sleep i still feel tired. sighs........ okay i shall stop ranting. bye world! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 8:21 PM
super glad about this week's schedule :D next week will be a busy week for me, what with LSCT FOC and induction programme. i think i'll only be able to work on one day next week. crap...i have a feeling that rey will murder me :X sighs... okay...i'm going to bed now. i'm going to sleep in tomorrow, since work starts at 2 :D then i'm meeting ivan gege at 7.45pm after work! yay! excited! :D okay! time for bed :D goodnight! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:32 AM
Sunday, April 04, 2010
i'm done tagging the first 200 photos from the movie marathon. haha! 99 more to go! lol..but first i need to upload them. hahaha! so retarded! abi has the most number of photos. i wonder why...LOL... anyway...i should really be going to bed, because i need to get up at 6.30am tomorrow morning to go to work. yupps. so adios! :D mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 1:45 AM
Saturday, April 03, 2010
yesterday's dinner with isaiah was awesome :D haha! duh! i'm having dinner with him! hahaha! we were just talking crap all the way, as it always is with him. lol...but it was fun :D haha! then took the MRT back home with him. your turn to treat next time isaiah chia!! haha! can't wait to go out with you again! and today's movie marathon was crazy. we watched bring it on and drag me to hell. and in between that, we were like webcam photo-ing on my laptop like crazy. hahahaha! we took exactly 299 photos, and 19 videos. hahahaha! madness! i'm only gonna upload the glam photos. haha! the rest of the photos are for my keeps sake. lol...and remind me never ever to invite you guys to my house again. hahaha! i'm kidding! hahaha! can't wait for another gathering! man..........i really don't wanna go to bed now. i'm really really scared now. i don't even dare to sleep. i won't be able to sleep in peace for the next 2 months man. i can't! everyday i'll just keep worrying about what's to come on that stupid date. i won't be able to even LIVE in peace for the next 2 months. at this point in time i really just feel like dying right now. it's like eating me inside to know that something might happen. i'm really really really scared to death right now. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 1:05 AM
Friday, April 02, 2010
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 2:39 PM
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 9:30 AM
Thursday, April 01, 2010
mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 3:15 AM
anyway...i can't wait till tomorrow! haha! even though it's one heck of a crazy day again. will be out the whole entire day! haha! need to go pay respects to my granddad early in the morning, then going to NP after that for the installation briefing. then after that i'm going to fairfield to teach the sec ones, then i'm going to iluma! to slack, and wait for isaiah chia!! :D haha! treating him to dinner!! :D yay! so excited to see him! haha! i'm still deciding between manhattan fish market or fish & co. hahaha! cause i don't really like fish & co. LOL... then friday! omg...they wanna come to my house at 10am. HELLO!!! i wanna sleep!! :( haha! kidding(: totally excited about the movie marathon, but i'm still thinking about how we're gonna watch anything in the first place on the projector, since the blinds for my balcony windows are spoilt -.- lol...but still...TOTALLY HYPED UP ABOUT IT :D then saturday is church day! WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! HAHA! SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SUPER EXCITED!!!!! haha! the series, confessions of a pastor, is good! last week's sermon really helped me loads! totally can't wait for this week's! :D and i wanna go shopping on sunday! but no one seems to be able to go with me!!! SUCKS BIG TIME! :( i wanna buy my school bag and shoes! :D but i haven't gotten my pay and i don't know why!!!! :X sighs...everyone has gotten theirs except for me! and i need the money asap! :( RAWR!!!! sighs...i've been thinking so much about you lately. i can't stop missing you! :( is there really no chance of forgiveness? are you really unwilling to give me that second chance? your friendship means the world to me! :( and i still hate myself for messing things up big time! i don't even know if i'll ever be able to forgive myself, unless you forgive me :X i want to have supper! but ken is moody now! :( so no supper for today! don't think too much okay BFF?! i'll always be here to support you!(: jiayou! okay! i'm gonna watch my show, or maybe play age of empires! haha! i've neglected my sims 3 and NFSU2 to rot and die. LOL...bye lovelies! :D mabTHONG. lollipop princess! <3 my fantasy world. ♥ 12:19 AM |